The Time It Didn’t Snow

For the past 48 hours or so all I have heard is how much snow we are supposed to be getting this week. Between 20-30 cms (about a foot, for you Yankees) was supposed to fall in less than 24 hours. The term “snowmageddon” has been used. So all of us in South Western Ontario braced ourselves for a storm. We are used to them by now. We know that we need to make sure we have food for a few days, candles and blankets and other essentials (ie. wine) at the ready. Last night we all got home from work and hunkered down for the storm. The storm that never came.

In my town we maybe got 4-8 centimetres. Maybe. All over Facebook today were statuses about how lame the blizzard turned out to be Although we were all warned at work yesterday that we should take our laptops with us and be prepared to work from home today many of us are back in the office. There was nothing to fret about at all.

It just goes to show, the bigger people say something is, the more likely it is to disappoint.

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